Every time, every single time, there was always that chance. All the behind the scenes that no one knew about. There were moments that it was not followed as planned. Nothing was fail proof. In one second, a life could change. In one second, a life could be lost. In one second, you could not turn back time.
All that was needed was to get inside the warehouse. Behind him was his partner of more than five years. To his side was the newbie. She was fresh to the scene. Being undercover was not for everyone, but he and his partner had made a very successful living of not being seen.
Everyone was in place. And then it happened. The lights popped on. Blinding him and his partner. He could hear the shout of SHOOT HIM, SHOOT HIM NOW! He knew what the sound of a gun clicking for that deadly aim sounded like. Before he could push his partner out of the way, he knew. He was the one hit. He whined in fear and pain. The newbie, Dayve Jenson hollered “I have them. Go.” Kayson Danvers picked up Scout.
He raced outside and screamed for help. He whispered in Scout’s ear.
“No more. We are done. I promise.”